Zurich, 6 February 2021
Innovative digital health solutions are changing the healthcare industry, further accelerated by the Covid-crisis. With the Digital Health Markers initiative launched by The Eurapco Lab, the company has been exploring a solution developed by a Canadian HealthTech company. Their solution allows users to measure health markers (including heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure) by way of a 30-second video selfie taken on their smart phone.
The initial focus of the exploration is on the application of this solution in the domain of telemedicine by means of a proof-of-concept with Caser. To this end, the market research activities were launched last week together with Caser’s marketing & health departments. This will include in depth interviews with customers/patients and medical specialists providing insight into the use, acceptance and potential of the solution. It will also provide a framework and a clear overview of success factors and preconditions for the use of digital health marker solutions in the field of telemedicine. Initial results will be presented in the course of the second quarter of 2021.
Dirlene Lopez
Marketing and Communication Specialist