Our Team

The Eurapco team in Zurich is instrumental in creating value for our partners

Our Culture

Through our diversity, given the mix of partners, backgrounds and countries of origin, a wealth of energy, creativity and opportunities are ripe for the taking.

At Eurapco AG, all partners are connected and represented by their assigned Eurapco project and programme managers. Together they add flesh to the partner collaboration through the development of a range of specific activities.

To promote collaboration among our employees at the Eurapco office in Zurich, we embrace the common values that we have defined for the whole team. By learning together, we have an ongoing development pipeline and help foster a common language of communication.

Our Values

Embracing these values, we are confident that our people add value to our Partner companies and are our basis to intensify and accelerate collaboration:

we are open to actively reflecting on our behavior and dedicated to constantly improving ourselves.

we respect our relationships on the personal and professional level, keeping a balance between them.

we are honest and give constructive feedback.

Our shared values at Eurapco are:

we work from the perspective of making each other bigger; we take responsibility and behave responsibly.


Clear communication:
we ask for clarification and make sure everybody is informed timely.

Result oriented:
we act proactively and address a problem or business opportunity. We define expected goals and involve Partners in business opportunities.

we are reliable to our colleagues.


  • Frauke Feess

    General Manager

  • Ivan Lippa

    Head of Digital Transformation

  • Anton Peeters

    Head of Eurapco Academy

  • Oona Paasolainen

    Programme Manager Innovation

  • Jeroen Willems

    Project Manager

  • Federico Bragagia

    Project Manager

  • Max Mohsen

    Project Manager

  • Alexandra Amrein

    Project Manager

  • Nicholas Keel

    Project Manager

  • Sara de Pablo Romero

    Project Manager

  • Stefan Lambracht

    Project Manager

  • Jens Hornung

    Head of GM-Office Logistics & Events

  • Inga Cescato

    PA to General Manager and Assistant Office Manager

  • Bettina Thomann

    Accounting Specialist

  • Alba González

    Head of Marketing & Communication

  • Álvaro Meneses

    Marketing & Communication Specialist

  • Lourdes Aguanell Marfil

    External Business Consultant