LOCALTAPIOLA: New President and CEO of Asset Management

Press Release – Helsinki, 17 February 2021

Samu Anttila Appointed as New President and CEO of Asset Management

Samu Anttila (46, FM, SHV, EMBA) will start as the new CEO of Asset Management on 1 December. He currently serves as the Life Company’s Savings and Investment Business Director and Deputy CEO.

The Board of Asset Management has elected Samu Anttila as the company’s new President and CEO. The position became vacant when Tom Liljeström left LocalTapiola earlier in autumn.”Samu’s diverse experience at the LocalTapiola Group’s finance companies, his strategic understanding and knowledge of stakeholders were, in the opinion of the Board of Asset Management, decisive factors in the selection of the President and CEO. Samu is very goal-oriented and has a high level of executive capacity. I’m really happy with the choice of Samu for the job”, says Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Asset Management Group services leader Jari Eklund.

“During my career, I have accumulated insight and experience in a wide range of different activities in LocalTapiola’s Group. I’m convinced that this will help me invest in one focus of the group’s strategy, i.e. the economy along with the other actors in the group. I am pleased and honoured that my long-term commitment to the LocalTapiola Group will be rewarded and get to deepen cooperation with top professionals. I will also continue the close collaboration I have started between financial companies and group operations”, says Samu Anttila, the future CEO of Asset Management.

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