
Limoncello Project

Following the recent trends in conversational interfaces, how can we evolve our approach to digital customers?

Based on that main question, Eurapco started investigating that field in 2020 and proposed a new project aimed at stepping forward the digital customer journeys of the Partners of the Alliance. In particular, we were able to test and validate different MVPs on several steps of the customer life cycle:

  • La Mobilière: MVP on conversational flow for bike/ e-bike product (Jun-Dec 2021)
  • Reale Mutua: MVP on conversational interface for household insurance (Jan-Jun 2022)
  • Janitos by Gothaer: MVP on conversational interface for new bike/ e-bike product (Mar-Dec 2022)
  • Reale Mutua: MVP on conversational interface for self-services area during login process and escalation (Jul-Dec 2022)

Let’s focus on the experience of Janitos, a sister company of Gothaer. 

The so-called “Limoncello project” by Eurapco represented for Janitos a way to start investigating the conversational interfaces field and a product challenge for the company in developing and implementing a new digital product available on different online channels (website and main aggregator). It is even important to consider that the project was even a great enabler of the collaboration between Janitos and Gothaer, the parent Company, letting the two working teams collaborate on developing the MVP. In particular they:

  • Designed a new (e)bike product, in collaboration with the product owners and actuaries of Gothaer
  • Reviewed the landing page for the (e)bike product making it more user-friendly and “appealing” for the digital customers
  • Starting from the landing page, implemented a guided conversational flow from the quotation to the purchase of the product.
  • Launched the MVP on the company website: If you are curious to check and test the conversational interface, click here!

“Creating a completely new bike insurance with an innovative and customer-friendly purchase process was a project that filled us with excitement right from the start. 

From the idea to the Go-Live of a fully working tool in four months – a result that only became possible through close and straightforward cooperation with our partners Eurapco and Gothaer. 

Over the entire project period, we had regular exchanges between the product management departments and in the development of the chatbot, Gothaer contributed its expertise significantly. We will continue this good cooperation for the further development of the MVP. We are excited to see the results and insights the chatbot will bring us.” by Janitos.

A special thanks to Studio Winegum, the consultancy that is supporting Eurapco and the Partners to deepen the conversational field.

Do you want to know more details about the project?

Do you think it might be interesting for your Company to test and validate an MVP in conversational interfaces?  Feel free to contact the Eurapco Project Manager, Fabio Bortone, for more information about the Limoncello Project!