GOTHAER: 2016 financial year

Press Release – Cologne, 30 May 2017
Gothaer posts sound result and again strengthens equity base

  • Rating agencies once more confirm good results
  • Strategy project Gothaer 2020 showing first success
  • Digitalization offensive in all business units

The Gothaer Group is submitting sound figures for the 2016 financial year: the consolidated annual surplus rose 17.4% to €162 million. Some of the surplus flowed into strengthening the equity base. The Group’s equity grew 8.8% to reach €2.004 million at the end of 2016. Gross premiums written in 2016, at €4.411 billion, dipped (-2.3%) compared with the previous year owing to the launched consolidation process. “Our figures show that the Gothaer Group is also successful when the going gets tough, and that we have been taking the right measures with our digitalization offensive,” says Dr. Karsten Eichmann, Gothaer Group CEO.

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