
Agile Peer Seminar to support Eurapco Partners towards Agile Working

Eurapco organized an Agile Peer Seminar to support ever-growing interests from Partners towards agile working. 

The 2-day online event was attended by 63 representatives from Achmea, Caser, Gothaer, La Mobilière, Länsförsäkringar, LocalTapiola and Reale Group and full of interesting insights and discussions on agile-related topics.

On the first day, La Mobilière started with an inspiring presentation on how their company can prioritize strategic initiatives and outcomes in the agile environment. 

This has been followed by a heated discussion on how to manage tensions between P&L-driven organizations and agile organizations. This is a challenge most Eurapco Partners are very familiar with!

The day was rounded up by Gothaer, sharing with the participants the Gothaer way of agile – creating a framework for self-organized teams.


On the second day, the Peer Seminar started with Reale Group presenting “Ways to measure Agility”. The Group is a clear leader among Eurapco Partners, and the insights were hugely appreciated.

For the final hours, the focus has shifted to challenges that Partners experienced with agile & SAFe. Länsförsäkringar and Reale Group have led the discussion, which brought not only insights but also the set up of several bilateral with the aim to help each other with concrete solutions

The Agile Peer Seminar was a great way to learn and support each other online and the participants are already looking forward to the 2023 edition!