General disclaimer
General Disclaimer
Each European Alliance Partners Company AG (Eurapco) partner is responsible for its compliance with any and all applicable legislation, including competition laws.
Competition law prohibits, among others, agreements on and coordination of commercial strategy, market sharing and the exchange of commercially sensitive information between competitors.
Eurapco requires its partners not to coordinate their commercial strategy or exchange commercially sensitive information (including prices, the identity of their customers or ongoing or future tender processes, or any deviation of markets) or take any other action that may be interpreted as possibly breaching competition law other than in strict conformity with the Eurapco Compliance Guidelines.
The information shared by Eurapco or any of its partners amongst each other, is strictly confidential and is being provided to you solely for information purposes and may not be reproduced in any form or further distributed or published, in whole or in part, for any purpose.
The information is provided for the exclusive use of the persons to whom it is addressed for the sole purpose of the activities of Eurapco and its partners and only as far as they need to know this for the respective activities they are involved in.
The information is not intended to form the basis of any cooperation or doesn’t constitute any advice thereto or form part of an offer for such cooperation and/or advice, without being explicitly approved by Eurapco and the respective partner individually.
The information is not intended to form the basis of any contract and should not and nor may it be relied upon in relation to any contract or commitment. Only the express provisions of any definitive agreement, if and when it is executed, shall have any legal effect in connection with the proposed activity (between Eurapco and/or any of its partners).
The information should not be considered as any recommendation by Eurapco. Any partner of Eurapco acknowledges that it will be solely responsible for its own assessment of any activity it will participate and will conduct its own analysis and independent verification and be solely responsible for forming its own view of any potential future performance of any activity within Eurapco and/or with any of its partners.
No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be given by Eurapco or its advisors, directors, officers, employees, members, partners, shareholders or affiliates and no responsibility or liability or duty of care is or will be accepted by Eurapco or its advisors, directors, officers, employees, members, partners, shareholders or affiliates as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, reasonableness or achievement of any information or the opinions contained in any information or advice or supplied herewith or any other written or oral information made available to any of the partners in connection with any activity and/or initiative of Eurapco.
If in doubt with reference to the above or with respect to any new initiative, please do not hesitate to consult upfront with your own legal and/or compliance advisor and/or the compliance department of Eurapco.