Category: Article

  • Sustainable Underwriting Seminar

    27 May 2022
    The challenges of sustainable development are becoming increasingly urgent and as an Alliance, Eurapco can join forces and consider solutions…
  • Open Finance Full Webinar Videos

    27 May 2022
      Last April, and in cooperation with Achmea and Länsförsäkringar, Eurapco organized a three-webinar series introducing our Partners to developments…
  • Mental Wellbeing

    27 May 2022
    The Eurapco Partners have carried out a Mental Wellbeing Challenge and developed Mindmirror, an app to support customers in measuring…
  • Agile Peer Seminar

    26 May 2022
    Agility is shaking up existing business models, forcing our industry to adapt and impacting our professions, processes, and culture. The…
  • Digital Health Markers

    25 May 2022
      With so many services making the switch from face-to-face contact to online, the idea that the latest technological advances…
  • Dronesurance: using A.I. models to predict drone accidents for insurance policies

    30 September 2020
    Zurich, 30 September 2020 The increasing use of drones is likely to result in growing demand for insurance policies. However, the…